This weld-on filter mount bracket features the standard 3-bolt remote oil filter mount bolt pattern along with the ProAm bolt pattern for their billet remote oil filter mount (PRM-HP1BRM). This mount allow you mount any remote oil filter mount that uses the standard pattern such EMPI, Bugpack, Derale, and ProAm.
This weld-on filter mount bracket features the standard 3-bolt remote oil filter mount bolt pattern along with the ProAm bolt pattern for their billet remote oil filter mount (PRM-HP1BRM). This mount allow you mount any remote oil filter mount that uses the standard pattern such EMPI, Bugpack, Derale, and ProAm.
This weld-on filter mount bracket features the standard 3-bolt remote oil filter mount bolt pattern along with the ProAm bolt pattern for their billet remote oil filter mount (PRM-HP1BRM). This mount allow you mount any remote oil filter mount that uses the standard pattern such EMPI, Bugpack, Derale, and ProAm.